Sunday 10 January 2010

Partying it Devon Style

Partying in Devon and partying in London to say the least they do differ. London has a variety of clubs different sorts of music, different crowds. Exeter, city I was born and raised in, not as many clubs 6 (Hot house, Cargo (think they’re called that down by the Quay) Rococos, Cavern (more underground music) Timepiece and last but not least “Tina” Arena as my mates and I love calling it!)

Laura was my party buddy for the evening we were contemplating which club to go to, Arena or Rococos, ans where he majority of our mates went to, so Rococos!

I didn’t realise it was an over 25s night, explained the people in the club that night!

Music say the least was same old commercial charts to cheese of Cindi Lauper. Couldn’t believe a few of my friends from secondary school were down in that club as well! Haven’t seen them in LONG TIME!

What is it about my charm managing to chat to a load of random people? First was a plumber who actually went to

the same secondary school as me, and we were trying to remember all the teachers! Random guy on the dance floor who danced to outrageously for my liking I ran! Some foreign guy who kept patting my arse at the bar grr hate those men! Marines… says it all. Why do I attract the weirdos? It could’ve been worse, I could’ve been chatted up by some sleazy git who dwells in Burnhouse Lane and is on the Dole! (Burnhouse lane is the rough part of Exeter)

Dancing and drinking away 2 marines decided to dance with us, one of them picked me up twice! So what did I do when he picked me up the second time? Being typical me I picked him up back! Damn he was kinda heavy, (muscle’s heavier than fat) he got a bit shocked then I stated to him “how does it feel being picked up by a woman!”

Laura was pretty drunk dancing away, Corine, Becky & me had to help her pull her skirt down a fair few times as it kept riding up her arse, oh the “trauma” as Laura would put it! Even though i know she loves showing off her tattoos of Venus and David

After clubbing most people of course have the munchies, Laura wanted to faff about in The Golden Horn for a bit with our other mates, she cracked me up as she ate a piece of donner kebab saying, “it’s as dirty as 3 blondes having a threesome with a wooden block!”

Enough said for this section, they'll be something less crude in the next post!

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