Monday 25 January 2010

haha something amusing!

Been tidying bit of crap in my room & find my old note book with bit of uni notes fashion related bits and in one of the pages found this little saying thing that I wrote God knows how many years ago but I remember it was my Dad telling me this & I thought was Amusing!!

"If I marry a White Guy, He'll cheat on me,
If I married a Black Guy, He'll hit me
If I married an Indian Guy, He'll starve me
And a Muslim will have me Killed"

Damn.... this is a bit Racy!! Hmm... Dad's joke here isn't very PC

well that strikes of a few races of guys, I take it my Dad doesn't want me marrying into! hahaha! well if all else fails I'll just take a Civil Partnership with Mimi HAHAHAHA!! since she wants me to serenade her singing KC and Jojo I don't even know the song!

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