Wednesday 13 January 2010

Saving pennies!!!!

ARGH!!!!! I really need to start budgeting!!!!

1- general saving for the rainy day

2- need a holiday!!!

so time to start saving!!!!

Clothing wise, I'm attempting to BAN myself from sample sales for 6 month...... or maybe 4....... man this is gonna be hard!!!! But I can resist..... just about......

Well not shopping for shoes for 6 months I can do!

On the upside of working in a fashion place, depending on department I suppose, free clothes! That I did manage.... 2 bags of knitwear! Not all for me of course!

So no more crazy spending for the time being!!

Another thing I need to attempt in trying, I've previously managed to get away with doing a few time in previous occasions.... getting away with paying a penny short

Seriously I've managed it a few times at places but I really want to attempt this again, now it's just possessing enough loose change in the purse which can be quite difficult, majority of lose change gets thrown into the bottom of the deep deep dark handbag!

we'll see.....

going through a bit of an electro feel of music today, loving Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, Trio from Camden crating fun danceable electro pop, think they only broke out end of last year!

I'll also share this Electro group, more of a harsh sound like you're induced in drugs raving away Crystal Castles, they've been around for ages, well since 2004 but I love Air War by them & i'm sure of of the girls used this tune for their degree show fashion catwalk, it's very London Electro Rave scene I wanna go to an electro night!!!!!!

Another thing to cut back on PARTYING! *sigh* this will be a big Challenge!!!!

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