Friday 8 January 2010

Joys of snow!

I hope you enjoyed my previous post of ranting and very much entertained you and made you gain some knowledge! ☺ Hehehe
Honestly don’t expect me to blog everyday, I only will post something that’s interesting enough to amuse you guys with + working a 9-6pm job kinda saddens me as I can be a bit desk bound…. Minus working on the big table behind my desk to measure voluminous garments that don’t fit on my desk sigh normal day as a garment tech! OK! Enough of my winging and intro bring on Anecdote!

Well as most people in Great Britain are encountering, the environment that’s making us layer up and turn up the thermostat, indeed what a lot of people have been talking about, the Arctic conditions we’ve encountered of SNOW!

People are loving it after a few days then hating it, I swear us Brits really love talking about weather and complaining about it

I’ve already had my minor hell with it near slips, tube delays and my BLACK THURSDAY!!!! :@
Not only I was late half an hour for work, en route to work not eve 8.30am I ended up slipping and falling on my arse twice within 30secs of each other, worse thing few paces from the station! (oh the shame and failure!) only a bit bruised but my pride’s been damaged (mental note, bad idea wearing All Saints boots that have no grip, unless attached with chains or tennis rackets on the soles!)

This actually got me curious, what footwear are the general public wearing during these conditions? (I know typical to rant on shoes! But it’s only part!)

Of course the majority are wearing boots, men they’re usual leather work shoes/trainers (haven’t really noticed much of their feet apart from rush hour on escalators!) Seriously there are a lot of women wearing the infamous Ugg boots/imitations.
Personally I’m not a fan of them but I suppose they do have their practicalities, warm, fluffy, flat sole with grip (I still don’t want a pair, Honest! Too expensive!) Fair few women are wearing fluffy trimmed boots! I don’t think it’s very practical, they’ll get soggy!!

I think my shoes aren’t the most practical for this weather (NO! I will not be trotting around in my 4½ inch Carvela’s that’s just suicidal despite how warm and kushty they are! You know who you are!) on my shopping list, good shoes with grip!
Swiftly on from footwear I have to praise Uniqlo again! Not only fast service with alterations though I took 4 days to collect my jeans, but their thermal wear is awesome particularly for the current weather conditions!

BIG KUDOS to UNIQLO! Different pieces available, within the Heat Tech collection, and in a range of colours! To you guys, grab a few pieces are they’re on a promotional off £2 off! From their price of £10 each, as Mimi’ll say “GO GO GO!”

Ooh this reminds me a BIG BAD WRONG!!! As I was leaving Uniqlo to catch my train, I saw a lady in the worst footwear….. CROCS. BAD MOVE!! & it’s Winter for crying out loud, and still kinda icy!! Even though she was a tourist, I don’t care they’re an ugly shoe kids are allowed to get away with wearing in the Summer!

OK I’m done for the time being. The Devon air will do me good, a definite overdue trip out of the London Bubble!

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