Sunday 10 January 2010

White Devon

I was a little bit pessimistic coming back down to the Shires this weekend because of snow and ice affecting train travel, but it’s all been smooth riding there and back.

Despite my mad antics in the club (well maybe its normal actually!) Exeter in the snow is quite pretty. As I walkedabout from home to Town, passing the signature building of Exeter that's the Cathedral.

Met up with one of my old school mates from Secondary school days, ended up buying a pair of shoes (1st pair for the new year) these are heavy-duty practical shoes, Dr Martens! Quirky floral pattern, can go with other things, apart from the skinny’s I think skirts and stripy tights! Hehehehe quite punk rocky styled I know, perfect for a gig! Or my look when I was 17…..

It’s just lovely taking time out of the Capital and winding down to the easy pace, though I was still fast walking around the town shopping but as I I walked home I saw a dead black bird in the snow lying in the snow, was quite a sad thing.

Simple things were so relaxing to do, one which isn’t teaching Mum how to use the computer to surf the net and look for cheap travel tickets; doesn’t help that my old computer brought in 2002 is VERY Slow! As teaching mum how to surf the Internet, I noticed a fat bird in our garden that was hanging about in our garden rummaging in the snow for food, when I was taking a photo of it I saw it poop! Hahaha! Mum thought I was nuts. It’s so cute I want it as a pet! Surprised it hung around the garden for quite a while, and then moved to the front.

I couldn’t help myself with the inner kid in me to play out in the snow in the back garden, might as well do it, no one else was gonna play in the snow, well I can’t imagine my parents having a snow fight! Even though I didn’t take enough time making my sculptures I cracked an attempt at a snow Penguin and Rabbit…. Damn, I think I did a better job at snow bunnies when I was 17!

Hmm as I’m travelling back to Londontown I see a guy hand writing letters to people, its quite an aesthetic touch, with very beautiful joined up writing, it’s quite sad how hand writing letters is a very rare thing these days and the thought of receiving letters; now days it’s all electronic and digitalized, txting, e-mails and instant messenger, man I sound like an oldie!

ooh definitely want to share this song with you guys even though I know it's a pretty old tune, but it's just my favorite song to have playing on a Sunday. Drake is was last years Next big thing, a bit like Kanye and Lykke Li is a Swedish Indie Electroish artist. Drake did a mash up with her song

hope you guys enjoy it!

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