Wednesday 20 January 2010

Fast Fashion

Holy Crap, I didn’t realise High Street are so quick moving with things, maybe there is a bit of naivety to me, but hey, I’m still learning the traits of this fashion world!

So here’s the thing, as I was shopping this evening after work, (Ok I know I’m suppose to be banned, but I have a wedding to go to in the weekend so need a top to got with my skirt!) Trying to find a top so of course first place I’d hit is Primark! Man that place is still crazy even after Christmas. Moving on from Primarni I move to the next alternative, New look! My God! That place has so many rails devoted to Leggings & Jeggings! It’s like a supermarket for them especially the way they’ve merchandised it!

So No luck over in New Look, Popping over to Next, thinking they’ll do nice smart things suitable for a wedding, as I went in I noticed a long top that looked really familiar…. It was the smart top I was measuring at work today! I know it was since the gaudettes on the dress are a pain in my arse to measure! Exactly the same thing, and same thing for a production sample I was checkin with Jane Norman (image at the Very Top)

Then over in River Island the have the exact same top too! Ok so I work for a supplier, of course the style isn’t one of a kind marketing for High Street.

Buyers buy similar styles but with different designs such as prints wash.

But this made me realise it doesn’t take long for an item to hit the shop floor once the item has approval from production samples! Fro example this same top, I measured it for Jane Norman last week & it was approved so delivery of it and making doesn’t take long!

Fast fashion IS FAST; it can only take 2 weeks for something new to hit the shop floor. For example I’ve been doing some work for a High Street Company (Ok this is revealing a bit of the garment tech world to you guys!), sent them their samples and what adjustments they’ll want from the sample via e-mails.

We amend the measurements and send them to the pattern cutters to adjust patterns & our office up there will send us the next fit sample for the buyers to OK, takes 3days for that to be done.

Once the buyers approve we need to send that sample to the lab and get it tested of fibre content, wash & print tests etc usually takes 3-4days, results get sent to buyers and technologists for approval. Once that’s OKed we get the labels for the garment inc wash cares another 2days & they get sent to the factories who make the style.

Production samples get sent to us to double check they’re the right length, have all labels, basically what will be on the floors in how it’ll look. When production samples are approved making gets done, God Knows how many 1000s of the garment. Then hey presto! The clothes are on the floor!

Well opens eyes to other aspects of the fashion industry aside from the design, catwalks and photoshoots! I know the pictures aren't so crisp as I'd like them, lacking photoshop as it's temporarily failed me! >.<

I’ve still got hell of a lot to learn within this Industry, I’ve only worked with this company for nearly 2months!

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