Friday 23 April 2010

Snow Trip Part deux

Since last post I mentioned the journey getting there, here's the anecdote of the 21 of us partying it in the evening @ Alpe D'Huez!

Evenings were very Epic! We all chipped money towards alcohol and brought @ the Duty Free on the boat… My GOD! We brought A LOT! & aimed to drink most of it in drinking games and what nots. I mixed my drinks, drank in a pint glass played Ring of Fire, Asian Flush kicked in and I’m a lightweight; oh well! Some random girl decided to piss literally outside my mate's flat! bang out of order! some 19 year old boy came into our gathering chatting up (attempting) some of the girls; FAILED! and cried when Mahavasee told him to "FAWK AWWF!" hahahaha! it became her phrase!

plenty of Korean music played and dancing, Chinese people can be such lightweights with the liquor, well we're a cheap date! hehehehe Jokes!

If any of you guys got me on FB you'll see our antics from the films and photos! I've got lazy to blurb about this little adventure! hehe! ^.^

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