Tuesday 6 April 2010

Love of Devon

Gosh it seriously feels like I haven’t posted in a LONG TIME!

As some of you guys know I have been extremely busy manning the fort of garment techs in the office, taking care of production relateds, chasing factories & such, but came Good Friday was back down to the Shires of Devon!!

Was a good one at that despite the slight cold, and heavy rains, typical Bank Holiday! Was good spending time with friends and family, home cooked foods; such treats I had of Vietnamese cooking and good old hot pot with the family on Easter Sunday and breathing Devon Air!!! ^.^ catching up with old friends

Devon has seriously become quite a student-orientated town; my God there’s so many of them! I forget how Emo Exeter is as well! Hahaha!! (I admit I used to be one of them, with the love of Gigs & slight fashions!!) But come to think of it, it helps living in the Shires managed to get some sale pieces for Snowboarding next week, can’t wait!!! ^.^ Devon is known for sports like hiking surfing and such, mental note, summer want to get back into kayaking!!!

So jealous of my old school mate Aimee, She’s was kayaking this Easter over in Dartmoor, down rapids & such sigh I miss the extreme sports!!! >.<

Caught up with my guy mates of Exeter as well, good old Man Bitch how I miss him! So funny hanging out with the Boys playing pool having drinks and decided to do some spontaneous bowling!! All good!!! I even managed to get my Devonshire accent back for a bit!! It’s fun hanging out with the more laid back crowd, where things are a bit more of a slower pace compared to The Big Smoke.

Sunday is always family day in Devon, Mum woke me up before 9am asking if I was up for the Car boot… I’m always up for Car boot sales!! I always love going to check out the little treasures that are in store! I really need to go with an open mind and not aim to buy anything particular, else you never get or find it, Karma I’ll say! So jealous of Mum she always manages to find such good bargains! She even got a stand with a draw for £1!!!

Gosh as I was rummaging through my old collection of films and music I found my Favourite Tool Album!!! ^.^ Schism is a def all time favourite tune by these guys! Enjoy the eccentric MV!

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