Wednesday 21 April 2010

My First Epic Snow Trip!

As some of you guys may know I decided to take a holiday to the French Alps for a bit of snowboarding!!! Never done it before so very exciting, was glad I wasn’t the only Rookie/ beginner going, I still can’t get over the fact there was 21 of us going at that!! Now here’s me trying to document the highlights short but sweet in two sections, makes it easier of the training times and the evening craziness! hehehe

We were pretty lucky the fact we weren’t flying, but coaching and ferry instead, but man it was a long journey! 16 hours ~.~

Though we managed to survive killing time with conversations, watching Anchorman (funny film!) playing on the NDS multi player of Mario Kart, (I’m so not very pro @ that game!) and playing fun simple picto chat!! ^.^

Pit stop before the Alps, some of the guys brought Candy Up, it’s the French version of Yazoo, chocolate milkshake, very sweet. ^.^

As you can see in the pic, Roger modelling and advertising the large bottle of milkshake! it's all good and such a novelty!

As we finally reached Alpe D’Huez, it was getting pretty sunny, not too cold either but I layered up a bit, in case! As we all kitted up and hit the green slopes I was so nervous thinking; OK where to start?

So I started out learning to board backwards & skating Goofy (right leg first) bad terminologies, mixing skating and boarding terms! Any who; Yay! I am able to board backwards doing the falling leaf movement and falling along the way on my front and back; going down too quick and losing balance! Thank God I had wrist guards, but seriously wished I invested in a pair of impact shorts! Would have saved my ass from excessive failures!

Next stage was boarding front ways, using heels to control…. Still need practice! I can do it a bit but not so well >.<” Though most of the time I was boarding backwards as it was easier and I was very conscious of falling on my arse some more, really needed impact shorts!!

One of the last runs for the day, one of my friends Eric & I decided to toboggan out way down the slopes on our boards! Was exhilarating and fun! Though shame on me! Half way down the slope, I got off the board and was just about the clip onto the board, it runs away! >.<” Me trying to run chasing it, failing miserably! Luckily Will sped down on his board and rescued it… I felt so guilty, nearly hitting a pair of skiers and it was like an invisible man going down really fast! Major PHAROH!

You guys may seemed quiet confused but we all picked up of a fair few highlighting words; Beginning of the trip I couldn’t stop saying “Yea Man!” damn Will! We all said Epic a lot, and of course FAIL! Creating PHAROH! = major fail!

Song for the trip was definitely this Korean Tune b ShiNee, Ring Ding Dong, so catchy!!!

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