Tuesday 13 April 2010

Shoes!! & Crappin hell!

Yes Another post relating to Shoes, indeed they are a love of mine! As I was moseying and killing time around Covent Garden before dinner party.

Saw these pretty hot bling heels from GEOX for £250? . I really didn't expect some hot piece of sculpture from a brand that makes very practical shoes for the active feet, well thats what I associated the brand name with! Other styles of shoes are actually available from the brand.

Then again I was browsing seeing what other interesting shoes they have; they have created these HOT empire State Stilettos!! Don't know the price of these!

Actually now looking at the photos together they're the same Shoe!!!! I'm a numbty!! They're just in different colour ways! -.-"

Ooh as I was killing time over in Covent Garden, I forgot what a sweet treasure that place is. As I was killing time some more I checked out the 4 piece string quartet performing, such soothing classical music from Vivaldi to a bit of Mozart all good ^.^

As some of you might think from the Title of this post, where's the crappin hell bit... well here it comes! hahaha!

Finally got to the dinner party @ Belgo in Cov Garden, quite an interesting restaurant a very industrial feel, of the waiters in their Cult looking uniforms and pretty interesting toilets!

Good beer, good food, shite service! Seriously the waiters are in their own little world! getting their attention is not easy!!

I also didn't realise until in the middle of dinner we were a party of 7, coupled pairs.... I was the only singleton!!! >.<" Dang! made me a little bit self conscious! Come to think of it, a fair few of my friends are getting coupled up now; Spring here! I haven't felt so single in such a long time! hahahaa..... best to laugh it off! I'm a big girl who is independent

Right time to pack for me! The slopes are calling me end of week, and this socialite has a lot to pack in this week of socialising and organising!

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