Tuesday 1 February 2011

Black January...

They say January's the most depressing month of the year, I think they're right. Back to work, holiday blues, sorting out all the crap we did before Christmas and catching up!

For me it's been a pretty black January; work-wise I've unfortunately screwed up a fair few styles for one of our largest customers from badly measuring them!! Causing delays of sealing garments, us trying to amend the problems *sigh* I'm now kind of on probation and not allowed to touch any of the things related to the customer so I get the smaller clients- is it karma biting me in the ass?

Next factories in China were pushing for approvals on styles so they can ship, would be to plan if the factories didn't mess things up! Now they're off for 2-4weeks for Chinese New Year as they don't celebrate Christmas.

Away from world of work, got a bit stressed in doing last minute organising for Cny weekend... One of my list of things to do! For over a week now my e-mails don't work on my phone!Just inconveient as I'm paying for a phone to do such things, it's handy to access mail on the go I have to admit! Stupid Orange people not being the most helpful, but was kind of my bad in accidentally ending the call... I was on handsfree & he wanted me to compose an e-mail... My pissy question to him was "HOW CAN I DO AN E.MAIL AS I'M ON THE PHONE TO YOU AND MENTIONED I CAN'T ACCESS MY E-MAILS?!" GRR...

 Another thing on my list todo finish sorting that out. But to top it all off on this "wonderful black January" I managed to leave my keys in the house!! Matters worse Bro & Sister in law were away till Monday... Fml...

So Lucky me, has to take a trip to Southampton Airport Parkway train station as it's the half way point to meet them to fetch their set of keys the next day, in the mean time, luckily I was able to crash round my Cousin's place

Right, I have one more New Year to celebrate so hopefully February onwards gets better!

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