Wednesday 3 February 2010

Overdue exhibition trip

Whey! My first blog of the month! how pleasant ^.^

Nothing beats after a crazy night before, and a day after than just chilling out and unwinding. Perfect thing to do, lie
in! So glad I have my weekends back and can do that! ^.^ It’s such a treat especially since I was working 7days a week, so hardcore!

So weekend just gone, I had a well-needed trip to an exhibition! I decided to pop over to the V&A and check out the Decode Exhibition.

I couldn’t believe how busy the V&A was, but then again it is a weekend & a Saturday, so of course the majority are off and there’s no school.

Though I had time spare before being able to get to see the Decode exhibition, so of course why not take a won

der and explore the museum. Of course typical me will have a look at the fashion section of the museum, still same pieces that are kept in the archives and an exhibition on MA Student’s work and how they’ve been creative and applying their techniques into their collection. There were some interesting pieces around.

Exploring outside there was a few pieces of Decode exhibition work hanging around which was very quirky and clever.

Decode’s exhibition was very modern work, very interactive a new level of application of art into the 21st Century. This made me realise how much we do depend on technology. We’re the generation that is orientated by electronic gadgets. It can be a pain in the arse when it doesn’t work, but it can also be a beautiful aesthetic. In the exhibition there was an interactive music video of Radiohead’s ‘House of Cards’ music video where you were able to move the video at any video angle, was very clever!

There was another piece I would love to have, where there was this piece, consisting of 6 screens, it told the time but in images that represented numbers, so hours, minutes and seconds ^.^

I didn’t get to stay in the exhibition too long, was getting a bit too crowded for my liking but I suppose being in there for near over an hour was enough!

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