Thursday 25 February 2010

Fashion week (18th-24th Feb)

London Fashion Week. Holly Crap, I do swear Fashion Week does take it’s toll on people in the fashion world, including myself >.<”So there were a few parties I did end up going to as +1s, it’s always good! Started off with Movida over off Oxford Cricus, Little fashion show happening over there kickig off fashion week with PA company LGN, was a good place, spacious some interesting collections in their little fashion show, and to my surprise a girl showing her work on the Catwalk from my Uni who was the year below me!! Have to say well done to her, she does vibrant clever knitwear pieces.

Then CNY party happened drunk, hangover and craving for egg & bacon sarnie!!

Monday, trying to recover from the busyness of the weekend, spontaneously joined my work mate to a fashion presentation launch over in Berwick Street’s Machine A where 4 designers were displaying their work around the shop. Big turn out free booze can’t complain, the collections – dark leathers bondage Gareth Pughesque I would say! There were some real amazing pieces on display! If it's still going on, I'd suggest you going to Check it out!

Tuesday was gonna go to the Basso & Brooke After party held @ China Whites, but bailed! Too tired & opted for Movie night of Hangover! + I made a promise!

The last evening and closing of fashion week. Attended another LGN event held over in South Ken in a club called Boujis. The collections
were either weak or just a lot of styling, the pieces weren’t all so amazing, there was a collection I did like, though cleverly styled, very dark, Tim Burton styled work. I even saw the muse in the audience face all glittery black with silver aviators, pretty kool I must say.

There was also a guy that caught my eye, they way he styled himself was so quirky American Kanye influenced, wearing specs, red Fair Isle cardigan, bold colour beads & the key accessory piece, a necklace with a Rubik’s Cube as a pendant! AMAZING! I want one!!! Surprisingly finished the night as a chilled out evening, with a stop off at Sketch in Central for a cocktail then home @ 1am!

Now need to cut back on the partying as I need to recover mind, body, soul and bank account!! >.<

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