Sunday 21 February 2010

Chinese New Year!

Ok so I know it started in last Sunday 14th Feb, was also the joys of Valentines. But Chinese New Year has different stages and so is celebrated through for a week possibly? I don’t know exacts with Lunar Calendar.

So the weekend of course partying it pretty hard SEone’s Shortie Party, not worth the pounds anymore even though was the second time I’ve been there, music was not impressive 1 DJ at a time so same music through 3 rooms! Have to admit there was quite the younger crowd in the club!

Oh the upper hand was good to do my typical thing of mingling with the different groups of friends drinking & dancing with them!

Conclusion, K poppin all the way! Much better music vibe & crowd!

Of course the Sunday I had to go check out the event Happening over in Trafalgar Square, my God China town was PACKED! Plenty of Lion Dancing around! Wanted Dim Sum but was a BIG queue in all the restaurants!

After lunching my friends and I checked out the performances in Trafalgar, was not bad, very busy, Lion dancing with 2 women at the heads of the lions really good! Of course typical me couldn’t help myself and nab a Chinese lantern! Oh yes I did! Hahaha!!

Of course why not end the eve with typical HK snacks and bubble tea! ^.^

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