Wednesday 15 June 2011

Throw me into the matchmaking!!

On the weekend as I was catching up with he Old Dear that is my Mum, before my call she was catching up with my best mates mum. Aunty was asking Mum whether I had a boyfriend; Mum didn't know and said no but then was quizzing me about it. No I replied, messaging down the line from Aunty, as she pressured me back on Royal Weekend when I visited, that I needed to hurry up and find a man in my life!! When I pass 27 I'm buggered and all the good men will have been snapped up.

As My best mate is now engaged and pregnant, 2 years younger than me, then our other good childhood friends Si and Lewis, brothers- Simon now married for 2 years and Lewis girlfriended up, leaving me the only one still single. (・・)

I think majority of the young professional women working in London, like myself aren't really searching as it isn't really a priority; or like me having too much fun out and about mingling and socialising to think of my love life haha haha!! XD

Well I decided to throw myself into it... I went speed dating! I've been before about year and a half ago, decided to accompany a friend of mine. Such a small world encountering some familiar girl friends, was pretty funny, I didn't expect them to be there.

24 men to chat to in space of 4 minutes is quite a lot of work for the mind, body and voice! A lot to remember, the person's traits that stood out!

There were many who were definitely I would like to stay in contact as a friend and get to know; a few are on the not sure so put no but a few possibles. Many couldn't believe I did mini notes on my card on each individual guy; it's the only way I'll remember what they were like!!

Overall speed dating is good fun, though a bit tiring chatting to so many at such a short space of time; doesn't help doing it on a weekday after work. But it is nice to meet new people out of the typical circles. However I know once I get those results, and check them up on Facebook, the degrees of separation will shrink!!

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