Thursday 9 June 2011

The Chavalution

I think this post of thoughts has actually been lingering in my mind for the past few weeks now, and the conversation with friends on the subject of fashions and encountering the Essex Clad in Movida on Friday triggered it off :P (note I do go off on history ranting tangents, and can be not PC)

I know mainly in Britain they will know what the hell a Chav is but I can explain it to those who don’t. Originally from the working class mainly youths who have poor education, a lot of aggression and attitude and have a very common taste in fashion and lifestyle. Some are also they type constantly on benefits, getting knocked up, lethargic characters that don’t go out and find a proper job. They also have a tendency to either loiter around public places such as parks and shopping centres or are racing around in their second or third hand worn out cars with the bass high and music turned up loud to raving music to Hip/hop rap. (Ok I’m stereotyping but it’s kind of true!) Little Britain's Vicky Pollard would be the perfect example

Other names relating Chavs – Townies, Boy Racers, Rude Boys, Kevs, Spides, Kappa Slappers, White Trash (for more the American term) my thoughts in the 21st Century ASBO (Anti Social Behavioural Order) Kids

In the 90s came along Harry Enfield and Chums and his character Kevin Patterson, the adolescent with a lot of attitude, bad tempered and lethargic. But I suppose this is a typical Teenage phase (went off on a slight tangent oops -.-")

Fashions of the Chav

Back in the Late 80s to early 90s the biggest fashion faux pas boomed into the UK, the shell suit. That “lovely” colourful item usually in sickening clashed bright colours 100% Polyester/ Nylon, fire hazard waiting to happen, quite a fashionable item, for the Chav. My colleagues were saying ash from cigarettes and set a flame to the shell suit and melt onto your skin (nice (!))

Fortunately I’m young enough to not know or who have seen and experienced the Shell suit trend! (^^ )

The next wave of fashion appeared to our High Street trends for the 90s - the sport tracksuits!

Adidas, Nike and of course who could forget Kappa for those born in the 80/90s (hmm does the brand still exist?) the love of the zip up sports hooded jackets made out of 100% polyester and track suit bottoms especially the ones with poppers on the sides, a disaster of someone pulling them off the wearer waiting to happen! For women this fancy sportswear was usually paired with clumsy gold jewellery from Elizabeth Duke @ Argos (or something worse and cheap that turned your skin green), slick backed with hair gel high Pony tail, choice of outer wear, the big unflattering Puffer jacket; kind of sums up Melanie C AKA Sport Spice from back in early Spice Girls days. Reason they were called Kappa Slappers! Haha!

I will admit, there was a slight dip in Chav fashion I dipped into back in the early 90s - I owned a pair of those popper trousers £4.99 couldn't complain!! I also did own a scrunchy of two but mainly wore for school to match the uniform... oh the fashion faux pas, then moved on to the fashion phase everyone usually goes through, the black and listening to Rock music phase!!

I suppose in the late Nineties into the new millennium (2000s) early Noughties Burberry was the popular choice for Chavs with the Brand's House check applied onto many garments, particularly the baseball cap that was particularly favoured, fake or real deal. Fortunately, Burberry discontinued their baseball caps in 2004, I'm sure it's still available in the car boot or eBay if you really want one! I'm afraid poor Burberry had the association with Chavs, who went OTT with the use of the House Check; their brand was a bit damaged. Fortunately it bounced back with Christopher Bailey at the helm and gaining designer of the year in 2005.

Who could not forget that Welsh band GLC (Goldie Lookin' Chain) who burst into the music scene in 2004. Patronizing the lifestyle and attitude of Chav culture, from styling of sportswear, baseball caps and their signature piece, their gold chains; with hilarious phrases for example, "I buy me tracksuits from Primark"

I suppose from 2005 onwards, the Chav evolution developed endorsed by popular culture from music with bands like Blazin Squad and Atomic Kitten and reality shows like Big Brother evolution of D list Celebrities arrived, e.g. Jordan. With money gained from royalties and some form of endorsements splash out on the tackiest things. So going a bit “up market”, taste-wise in clothing; however still wearing the staples of white trainer, polo shirts with collars popped up, gold chains sometime the baseball cap, but taste in brands change to the likes of Hackett; thanks to the age of footballer’s WAGS (wives and girlfriends) World Cup 2006 Wayne & Colleen Rooney came to the picture. The slappers love Ugg boots, Juicy Couture velour zip up tops and sweat pants. Though the name tags being brought, flashed and worn got a bit classy, they're still Chavvy.

Ok so we Brits may have categorized ourselves to be the Neo-Snobs. We look down at them and slate them at their taste and lifestyle; it’s a part of life and self opinion.

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