Wednesday 18 May 2011

New chapter on the Horizon

Ok so I know I've been really slow on the blogging, I have an iPod touch so surely I can type notes whilst on the go!! But still getting used to typing on the damn thing and making the predictive type correctly with some words!!

But as some if my closer friends know I've been on the job hunt since before HK. It's been pretty frustrating applying for different roles refusing to go on a low salary, registering with so many agents and no call backs. For a moment I considered maybe changing specialism as I'm still young in garment tech, nut wanted to know more on what entails with the role.

It got so frustrating I was even considering moving out of London, the thought lingered on me for a week which kind of depressed  me. Moving North or even maybe back South West where there was a possible role.

Thought of kind of starting from scratch making new friends kind of scared me, as I've lived and worked in London for near 3 years now. Gosh time does fly.

However finally after being found by an agent via my CV on Retailchoice. I couldn't be picky anymore; preference of working for a brand is required to be put on hold. Though with this agent their vacancy they had opened, they were already interviewing. I thought I will try getting my CV put forward with this supplier as there's nothing really to lose.

I was quite surprised how easy going the interview was. I was happy they were going to let me trial. Feedback from the agent was very positive from the interview which i found very flattering. After the trial the head tech was very pleased with my performance, such a compliment and confidence boost, it's good I know my shit I suppose =(^.^)=

So now there's also a position with a brand I applied to who want an interview with me in garment tech and product development. Now it's just deciding, seeing what it would be like working with a brand, or stick with the supplier as I know I'll learn so much as they have in house machinists and pattern cutters, yeah woven wear will challenge me but that's part of life, otherwise how can you grow and still be kept on your toes and learn?

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