Monday 16 May 2011

Free gig @ Old Blue Last

Back in the college days in Exeter, it was pretty normal of me to go to gigs 1-2 times a month. Now in London, doesn't happen as often likely because of being spoilt for choice of artists that come and perform an of course lifestyle in when where to fit the activities.

Well FB is a handy thing to have, my gig buddy Adam from uni days was had this free gig posted on his wall. I thought why not join, free gig and over East London, not far from work! + over due need to go to a gig!

Unfortunately my gig buddy was unable to attend so I went with a few others Inc my old flat mate in uni days! As I thought he wouldn't mind it, it was free & en route to home for him!

Gig over in the location called Old Blue Last, quite a big pub on the corner in the middle if Great Eastern Street. Maybe it's the Britishness in me but I do love a gold old pub! How often so you see Chinese people in them? Majority of the young professionals will opt for a cool trendy bar to an old pub drinking cider! How West Country can I be??

So the bands who performed, Talons, &U&I and Adebisi  Skank

Quite intimate room upstairs of the pub where the bands performed shame majority of the drink was on draught, I wanted my bottle of Gaymers Pear cider!! My friend Lou who joined me to the gig noticed there were a lot of  men & there was a serious man stench in the room.... Kind of normal in a rock gig, didn't bother me hehe

Talons were quite a good band live, I loved the fact he band were different in using violins as well in their music; very haunting but sets a mood, had a slight 65 days, machine head influence but instrumental. When I listened to their music again on Spotify,  didn't sound as good compared to live.
&U&I I wasn't really felling, brought me back to college day music of gaw grid music so stayed downstairs with my mates

Adebesi Skank were not pretty alright fun music instrumental rock electro vibe mosh pit was created and crowd surfers appeared. I think I'm a bit old for mosh pits!! Well wasn't in the frame of mind for them as it was after work and had big bag with me haha!!

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