Sunday 29 May 2011

Anime Expo at Excel

Telling a few friends I want going to this anime expo, friends were asking whether I was going to make effort to dress up?? I wasn't really sure yet but to be honest I'm crap at trying to find a costume at sort notice- only had a week.

So I decided my fashion self can dress in Gothic Lolita inspired with styling at hand. So dressed in my Religion dress, Kurt Geiger studded boots, Vivienne Westwood armor ring and my art of doing make up. Overall wasn't too bad, made some effort but did blend.

I found it was strange not seeing that many people dressed in Cosplay, that was when I hit Canning Town. I couldn't believe how keen some of these people were; there was a LONG queue to get into the Venue! Fortunately my friends were there 30mins before me, so yeah I Queue jumped half the line to get to them, had a few eyes glaring at me & got annoyed with the groups sat on the floor making me struggle finding a clear step!

Some people did go all out in their costumes, some were really fantastically dressed making so much effort, one guy I had a photo with spend 2 months making his costume out of cardboard and fibre glass. A lot of kids dressed up, advertising free hugs.... Serious trend of that at this event. 

This venue is pretty much a fun place where everyone gathers and dresses up Cosplay and doesn't get stared at in an odd way (^_−)−

There was so many things that were happening not just Anime, there were The American comics film animations on display and talks, gaming section, toys, clothing, weapons.... And wresting which was different but sounded scary when the wrestlers were slamming each other in the ring, sounded harsh!! 

There's a lot of diff sub cultures including something new I've discovered which is Steampunk. 

Influenced by Victorian times with the perspective of inventions and Science fiction. Thanks to the likes of literature from H.G Wells' Time Machine and Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Come to think of it Steampunk is around us quite a bit, especially in Final Fantasy, their costumes and forms of transportation hits the nail on the head!

Must own a pair of goggles if you want to be part of the Steam Punk movement I wouldn't mind donning a pair! (-) I do really admire the dress sense of this scene coming to think about it, I didn't realize this is what the trend is called surprised to hear even Take That were dressed in SteamPunk styled clothing for their MV, Kids

Monday 23 May 2011

Bit of Fun Creativity with a Scarf or two

In my head this morning, I was thinking and wanting to find some better ways in wrapping/ styling my scarf...

I remembered a friend of mine mentioned about Hermes in Liberty's having a session of showing how to tie the scarf around you. Joys of Google, I encountered this sweet PDF from Hermes back in 2010 in 21 ways of using the scarf. Very multi functional ^.^

Saturday 21 May 2011

Artistic Accessories

I don't usually blog about many clothes of Accessories but these few things I need to share!!

I am alway a fan of Shoes as many would have guessed, I choose shoes over bags any day!

Whist I was in Selfridges recently having a mosey and killing time, I ventured into the Shoe Lounge on the 1st floor and fell in love with a pair of shoes that are just pieces of art <3

Alexander Mcqueen's Iris Platforms

However the hefty price tag of £2095 is quite a pinch, reason why to me their just piece of art!!

I have also been dying to get some for of knuckle duster ring as Rihanna/ Lady Gaga have been sporting. Asos is alway a little treasure to dive into

I found such a pretty ring on the website they was a bargain! £1!! My new piece to my collection a black beetle ring

To match it, from something harsh and dark, to something completely the opposite; something white and has mother of pearl. My flesh tunnel; I've brought this quite a few months now, but haven't managed to stretch my ear but it's finally in 10mm possibly stuck for a while too! Next to a bit of Vivienne Westwood Bling!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

New chapter on the Horizon

Ok so I know I've been really slow on the blogging, I have an iPod touch so surely I can type notes whilst on the go!! But still getting used to typing on the damn thing and making the predictive type correctly with some words!!

But as some if my closer friends know I've been on the job hunt since before HK. It's been pretty frustrating applying for different roles refusing to go on a low salary, registering with so many agents and no call backs. For a moment I considered maybe changing specialism as I'm still young in garment tech, nut wanted to know more on what entails with the role.

It got so frustrating I was even considering moving out of London, the thought lingered on me for a week which kind of depressed  me. Moving North or even maybe back South West where there was a possible role.

Thought of kind of starting from scratch making new friends kind of scared me, as I've lived and worked in London for near 3 years now. Gosh time does fly.

However finally after being found by an agent via my CV on Retailchoice. I couldn't be picky anymore; preference of working for a brand is required to be put on hold. Though with this agent their vacancy they had opened, they were already interviewing. I thought I will try getting my CV put forward with this supplier as there's nothing really to lose.

I was quite surprised how easy going the interview was. I was happy they were going to let me trial. Feedback from the agent was very positive from the interview which i found very flattering. After the trial the head tech was very pleased with my performance, such a compliment and confidence boost, it's good I know my shit I suppose =(^.^)=

So now there's also a position with a brand I applied to who want an interview with me in garment tech and product development. Now it's just deciding, seeing what it would be like working with a brand, or stick with the supplier as I know I'll learn so much as they have in house machinists and pattern cutters, yeah woven wear will challenge me but that's part of life, otherwise how can you grow and still be kept on your toes and learn?

Monday 16 May 2011

Free gig @ Old Blue Last

Back in the college days in Exeter, it was pretty normal of me to go to gigs 1-2 times a month. Now in London, doesn't happen as often likely because of being spoilt for choice of artists that come and perform an of course lifestyle in when where to fit the activities.

Well FB is a handy thing to have, my gig buddy Adam from uni days was had this free gig posted on his wall. I thought why not join, free gig and over East London, not far from work! + over due need to go to a gig!

Unfortunately my gig buddy was unable to attend so I went with a few others Inc my old flat mate in uni days! As I thought he wouldn't mind it, it was free & en route to home for him!

Gig over in the location called Old Blue Last, quite a big pub on the corner in the middle if Great Eastern Street. Maybe it's the Britishness in me but I do love a gold old pub! How often so you see Chinese people in them? Majority of the young professionals will opt for a cool trendy bar to an old pub drinking cider! How West Country can I be??

So the bands who performed, Talons, &U&I and Adebisi  Skank

Quite intimate room upstairs of the pub where the bands performed shame majority of the drink was on draught, I wanted my bottle of Gaymers Pear cider!! My friend Lou who joined me to the gig noticed there were a lot of  men & there was a serious man stench in the room.... Kind of normal in a rock gig, didn't bother me hehe

Talons were quite a good band live, I loved the fact he band were different in using violins as well in their music; very haunting but sets a mood, had a slight 65 days, machine head influence but instrumental. When I listened to their music again on Spotify,  didn't sound as good compared to live.
&U&I I wasn't really felling, brought me back to college day music of gaw grid music so stayed downstairs with my mates

Adebesi Skank were not pretty alright fun music instrumental rock electro vibe mosh pit was created and crowd surfers appeared. I think I'm a bit old for mosh pits!! Well wasn't in the frame of mind for them as it was after work and had big bag with me haha!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Bubble Teas

It's an old drink to the Oriental point of view, I remember drinking the stuff ages ago when I was a kid in HK, probably in the early 2000s.

Now the trend has finally come round to the Westerner's taste buds

Already there are a lot of eateries in Chinatown selling the product, HK Diner, Cafe de Hong Kong,  Candy cafe, another popular spot for HK snacks and drinks, the owner is also opening 2 more cafes this year bigger than Candy. There's also a bubble tea shop, Chaboba Bubble Tea on Shaftesbury Avenue this company's even got a store in Camden and has been promoting via the Metro paper, but I've heard it's not as nice; then finally there's another bubble tea shop called Bubbleology in Soho opened this month.

I know Bubbleology have the drink with the fruit pearls instead of tapioca pearls but didn't see it on the menu, as I tried a sample @ the Excel food fair few months ago (-_-) However they do make good Crumpets/ muffins aka Cruffins!

£3.75 for a bubble tea I suppose is kind of bog standard for UK but compared to HK $10 a quid, for the drink, then again it's more common over there that UK.

So I suppose this is the new refreshing drink for the summer! However the milk flavoured teas are very rich and can be a bit sickly compared to the clearer flavoured tea that is more refreshing for the pallet!

I miss HK Street food - cheap with a wide variety!

Monday 2 May 2011

Bank Holiday Madness

So 2011 has brought us a very long Easter break, for those who were lucky enough to book the 3 days in between Easter and what the Lovely Windsors gave us, another bank holiday for the Royal Wedding.

Those, well me suffered the wrath of trying to sort a weeks worth of work in the space of 3 days and meet upcoming deadlines for the week after. (-_-)

I was the not so lucky one to get the in between days off work, so ended up getting so stressed out with work, trying to man the fort and keep on top of things, not easy as the mound piles up causing me to stay an extra hour at work trying to sort things out and send to factories and work out what orders & sorts *sigh*

Felt so drained after. Making dinner with my friend in East London, tube delays on Jubilee there and make things worse, my head was not screwed on properly today, cleverly left my keys in the office! PK! (>人<;)

Ended up crashing round my friends who I had dinner with so another long trek to East from South West what's bad is my laundry's still on rinse hold since it started washing my clothes @ 8am!! Fingers crossed they'll still be fine!! (O_o)

 Definitely need the Royal weekend bank hol to revive from my traumatic problems

Really wasn't indenting to watch any of the Royal Wedding, but as I went to visit family friends, they had it on from Kate getting onto the car to the couple heading to the private rooms of Westminster Abbey to write in the register books, one word - LONG!!

I just wanted to see who Kate was wearing! Will say the dress did look stunning on her and nice of it being Sarah Burton's work. My friends thought there was not much to the dress, but they never thought about the details that were pit into it- a lot of Royal Needle work!! (z_z)

But to lighten things up to my Bank Holiday was nice to catch up with childhood friends, though shocked that she's 3 months pregnant. Lots of people growing up around me, settling and sorts; Aunt's starting to give me pressure of finding someone..... Not liking the pressure + mind is on other things! (ーー;)

I will say I now see and understand how interesting snooker is from this weekend, it's quite exciting and I'm very impressed how young and talented Judd Trump is making to the finals, cute but a 小弟弟!Hehe!gan bade to him!! \(^o^)/