Monday 3 January 2011

2011 BEGINS....

Well I will have to admit I can't believe it's now 2011, a year has gone by so quickly!

The long Christmas holiday was indeed a blissful one spending it in Devon with the folks, winding down to the slower easier pace, compared to the fast track rat rat of London

Was enjoyable to do nothing apart from relaxing and catching up with friends and indulging too much!

It's great to have time catching up, caught up even though via phone to two of my best friends from back in Secondary school times for a catch up, couldn't believe one of them has recently had a baby and the other has got engaged and still is as eccentric as ever!!

I was catching up with a good College friend and clubbing buddy Laura in Exeter too, she made me gain my Devonshire twang back for a while as her accent is very strong ^.^ She shared gossip with me about the devon happenings of the familiar people we know, some people had kids, got married, still with awful other halves when they should have broken up with them a long time ago *sigh* though, I suppose some people just really need that companionship.

Hmm.... I think it's so bizarre how some people are settling down already, but I suppose it just depends on one's lifestyle and way of life!  

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