Thursday 27 January 2011

Spontaneous Getaway!

photo.php.jpgSo I decided to take a spontaneous long weekend trip to Iceland! A friend of mine asked if I fancied going a just over a week before I went; so I thought why not! I could do with a mad trip away from city and the crap hitting me at work, I needed to get away!!

Landed and arrived to Keflavik Airport about Midnight, getting on the bus, I was quite dark and I could just smell the salty air, reminded me of the beach; nicer air compared to London!

4hours sleep of course everyone’s fussy minded in a daze; despite the lack of sleep during the trip and early morning, naptime was always a good call on the bus, especially the Golden Circle tour!

Visiting one of Reykjavik’s power plants, the air stank of Sulphur, passing green houses that grew Reykjavik’s fruit and vegetables including bananas! The island can afford it as their electricity and hot water Since Iceland sits on geothermal plates so free hot water!

Moving over to the Geysers. Really interesting, couldn’t believe how blue some of the pools were and was really exciting seeing the Geyser blow a lot of steam surrounded us!  Next location was to the Gull Foss waterfalls before that we checked out a smaller waterfall and loved the sign saying no peeing next to the hut!! Was seriously amazing the water was crashing so fast, around there was still ice around us. Was good to have food in the restaurant yummy lamb soup, very homely tasting ^.^

Finally over to the Thingvellir National Park, didn’t look like much of a park as the tree aren’t very tall, and seeing the divide of the two continent plates North American and Eurasian – it’s quite a big gap, I couldn’t get over how wide the crack was and how clear the water was, I would have wanted to dive into the water! But this place is where the Vikings used to have their annual assemblies where different tribes gathered with political issues…. Enough history from me, as I’m not the best at it!

The Blue Lagoon is another amazing thing so relaxing, blue and waters heating up to 38C and free silicate salt masks to exfoliate! Was so cold in the beginning especially the wind chill >.< but we dunked ourselves in the water and went through the water gate as oppose to the double doors and to the pool!
Shame we didn’t see the Northern Lights, due to crap weather conditions but this was a really fun getaway from all the hustle and bustle of Capital City, definitely would recommend as a place to check out and explore ^.^

I shall do a food porn blog of Iceland food!

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