Saturday 20 March 2010

Some garments they should really not bother

I really can only seem to Blog once a week, but that is still good, along with working 5 days a week and other activities, though I shall be limited activity wise these 2 weeks, as I have a wager with a friend of only allowed out partying once in 2 weeks; should be no problem as fashion week has come and gone!! Hehehe!! But I suppose this will do me good in saving some pennies towards holiday & do more moseying around London to find inspiration ^.^

Swiftly on to the topic of the week

Right as most people know there is good fashion and bad fashion, garments that are made well and successfully, some that just fail. In this occasion my colleague and I encountered some of the most HIDEOUS leggings that were put on his dest as Inspirational pieces! Whoever created these legging things, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!! Big Faux pas! So cheap, tacky and plain nasty

Next thing on the list I’ve been working on this week, Coil ruffle tops, and such a pain in the arse to measure, as the ruffles keep moving about since the memory wire moves about!

But as I was creating a Spec (specification sheets with a photo and illustration of the garment with points of where's we're measuring the garment) for this style, I noticed the finishing were damn awful!!! Why in the world would you put such ugly thick WHITE binding into the seams where the wire starts and finishes?! Of course you will need something to prevent the wires poking out of the garment; either using thicker wire or even having caps onto them! Then our boss comes to us and says, “do you really expect couture on a £4 garment?” there has to be a way of making this work

I bet my shoe collection when the customer comes back to us with comments on these garment that they’ll want a nicer finishing on these garments!!

Ooh I've been introduced to some really chilled out music by an artist called Nujabes, Japanese Hip Hop Producer that is so creative, creating such beautiful music that has elements of Jazz in it. Perfect evening music to unwind to

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