Monday 15 March 2010

The Little Things (II)

The saying home is where the heart is, I think that can be true. It’s so refreshing to go home visiting the folks and catching up with friends, and winding down to the slower pace and breathing fresh green air; it’s definitely nice to get out of the city, sometimes it can be too much.

I couldn’t believe there are now so many students around Exeter now especially the international students, they look young & I feel old!! Even though there are times I don’t act my age! Hehehe

Its so nice to enjoy Devon in the sunshine, makes it so different though I think it’s a bit too extreme, I spotted a fair few people wearing shorts, tees and flip flops…. Springs here but we’re still away from summer! There I was in my jacket and knitwear!

It’s so exciting catching up with old friends, I managed to see one who I’ve known for 20years and a few from college days, time flies, people change, some have had babies and some still same old same old.

I couldn’t believe that Hog’s Head in the town centres become a pub with a dance floor called ‘The Chevalier” the place has indeed become like it’s nickname, the “Chavelier” so many of them!

Moving on to an old haunt Time Piece where all the kool indie Kids hung out, various genres of music played, though they played cheese & chart tunes on a Saturday…. Rococo & Arena play enough of that shit! I was catching up with old work friends, we opted for staying down in the bar, more chilled out environment and more eclectic tunes played, ranging from Hives, Jackson 5, ODB; I swear that “Baby I got your Money” tune is over 8years old! I remember one of my childhood friends being obsessed with that tune & was constantly playing the single in her room.

Catching up with people is always good, sharing fun memories ^.^

Sunday is always one of my favourite days in Devon, so chilled out. Winding down from the night before, though I wasn’t hung over only a few casual drinks & no clubbing, aren’t I good!

Well Sunday’s always car boot sale day and pop out with the parents having a walk around and seeing what findings we could find. Mum did better than me, finding things for 10p each, from crystal glasses to a big brolly, there were things I wanted but was still a bit expensive, there was so much vintage jewellery I liked but nothing cheap enough I would have wanted as a keeper. Though we did buy an interesting wooden figurine for 50p!! Still trying to decide what animal it is; is it a mouse, or a pig? Pygmy?

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