Sunday 17 June 2012

Salyu X Salyu

I was checking out FB a gig my friend was going to I decided to check out the music on Soundcloud and Youtube, and quite enjoyed it. So I decided to go along to with my gig buddy Adam to the Jazz cafe in Camden to check out this gig by Salyu x Salyu. This was the first time they've every played in England, all the way from Japan so was pretty exciting ^.^

I have to admit this was the most beautiful gigs I have ever attended, it was quite intimate, the voacals were so beautiful, my friends. I couldn't stop smiling and when they started singing Sail away, I was nearly in tears because it was so beautiful

The band sang so well very harmonised, and looked like sirens 

I loved how the instruments they used were so acoustic, ranging from flute, drums, chimes and a keyboard thing you play with your mouth (not the harmonica)

It just brought music to a whole other level that is just so different and was even better to hear and listen to live

Salyu who is the main front woman was so humble when she spoke it was just so lovely.

I will definitely look out for them again when they come back here to perform ^.^ 

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