Tuesday 13 December 2011

Pole Dancing

My Friend mentioned to me that she had been doing pole dancing for about 6 months now. She suggested I should give it a try; I decided why not, it's something I'd actually like to try out.

Pole Dancing has become quite a trendy form of fitness for the past few years, it's great to tone the whole body and build up the strength.

Di's Teacher has been practicing this form of fitness for over 3 years, I find it so amazing how she moved so fluidly on the pole. We started out with warm ups and the teacher was going through the basic positions with me.

I did over think some of the positions as she talked through me to do about 3 positions together, my problem was over thinking things so my leg positions were all over the place (-.-") I will have to laugh at myself with the first position I was pulling such a silly tense face.

Fortunately I was surprisingly able to stay up on the pole for a bit, however I was really not used to the friction against my thighs & calves. I was surprised the teacher got me to do a position like "sitting chair" and I managed to do this quite a while on the pole. I was constantly reminded to tense the abs so I could balance out the weight of my body out on the pole.

It was a good experience to do this class, I know that my legs and arms will ache the next day >.<" even though the class is great price wise £15 for an hour and the teacher will teach different levels of moves to the student, compared to the pole schools who will not really tailor moves to your abilities.

I did enjoy this form of fitness, however I am not able to afford doing this quite a bit compared to my £6 Zumba lessons!

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