Sunday 14 August 2011

Keep Calm and Carry on

I am having trouble in knowing what to blog lately as I've been really busy, stressed and not sleeping well. 

As many have seen in the media or maybe around them, UK has been suffering riots and looters this past week that has gone so out of hand, it has actually been causing me to lose my concentration at work (-.-")

The riots and looters have really angered me having kids as young as 8 years old taking part damaging their community and stealing from it. It just gets out of hand, where innocent people got swept into this mass destruction and have been injured and killed because of it. 

UK I feel is becoming soft, evil thoughts have sprung to my mind such as bringing back the death penalty! Or even at least be like countries such as Germany or Korea where people age 18 have to take part in the army for 2 year, then they can have some form of direction to life and become well disciplined and learn respect

I am pretty pissed of how some people can act, especially in a country I was born and brought up in. 

I suppose as the saying goes, we need to try keeping calm and do our best to carry on and not dwindle 

I am so glad that people are getting involved with helping to clean up the mess, and an epetition has been made to revoke all benefits from any rioters involved, over 100,000 people have already signed it, more support is needed 

Click to read and sign the petition


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