Saturday 27 August 2011

The joys of Summer

Can't believe this summer is flying by so quickly and it's almost the Last Bank Holiday until Christmas!! ~.~

What have I got to show for it?? I have no clue, until I go through the diary and photographic evidence of my antics that is! Hehe :p I really do envy the people who work at schools, they get their summer holiday of 2 months. Lucky people!

At least weekends are good to chill and have R&R! But sucks when weekdays it's sunny & I'm stuck in the office working! (-.-")

Now recollecting my thoughts of what I've been getting up to, it's mainly been catch ups with friends, birthday celebrations and house hunting. reasons of my not blogging, naughty me (^_^*)
I'm doing the scary step of wanting to get on the property ladder! It's very daunting, doing this independently for sure, but it's good to have family's advice those does drive me potty at times, and it's god to speak to friends who are fellow 1st time buyers. This type of hunting around is indeed stressful.

But putting that aside, I chat to friends in HK asking them what they got up to in the weekend, usual antics of drinking in LKF, I'm sure they do this every weekend! Don't they get bored?

Then again my lifestyle in the weekend can be pretty mad, ranging from birthday celebrations this month, involving clubbing @ Funky Buddha in Mayfair on a Saturday night; I do not want to go there again for a LONG time, pretentious, expensive and rude door staff. At least I got my monies worth on dancing the night away though pretty sober
However the other social night activities that is involving karaoke, very Chinese I know but is good fun. Singing your heart out social chat catch up with friends and drinking quite a bit. Cost of that night £30 compared to a club night! Then again I went mad to balance the drinking by joining another circle of friends jogging 5km from Limehouse with only 2 hours sleep!! =.= still recovering!

Bank holiday is going to be chilling back in Devon, where the pace of life REALLY slows down so I get my 10+ hours sleep! Can't wait!! ^.^

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