Saturday 12 March 2011

Power Plates!!

I think I've noticed this year at the moment that I've hit the obession with keeping active and keeping up with some form of fitness. This time I've decided to dabble in Power Plates! I have read reviews about this new trend of keeping toned and whilst quite merry over champagne at a club launch party, I asked my friend to sign me up via Groupon! £22 for 3 sessions where one session is £22, why not give it a try!


People usually think that power plates is just standing on the machine as it just vibrates your body, but it's not just that. The instructor makes you do aerobic excersises as well as vibrating on the machine, about 30-60 second sets of each movement. I have to admit it was a bit of a work out in a good way, though made me quite conscious of my posture as the instructor corrected my poses quite a few times. Hmm .... Need to get round to doing my Bikram sessions to sort that out!

I have to admit it was the quickest 30min workout I've ever experienced and it wasn't too painful, 15mins on the upper body then 15min on lower body. There a pose we had to do which was very weird! We were made to stand with out back straight knees bent and I have to admit it did feel like you were going to poo yourself!!

It is quite an interesting form of keeping fit, though quite expensive for 30mins! oh well I have 2 more sessions to go but will have to be once I'm back from HK!

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