Monday 21 March 2011

Living in Wo Hang 禾坑村

As some of you may know I am holidaying over in Hong Kong for 2 weeks, the weather’s been over cast temperatures ranging from 17-22C not too humid either, which is good.

Instead of staying down in Central HK in hotel/hostels, saving the money & staying in Dad’s village where he grew up in called Wo Hang, in the New Territories; nearest KCR station would either be Fanling or Sheung Shui and 20min bus ride from Sha Tou Kok (town on the edge of China’s border) in a nutshell, I’m still kind of living in the middle of nowhere! Fortunately there are buses to the stations or next small town where there are amenities for everyone’s use.

Other reason to be out here is that my parent’s have been sorting out our new house, 2 buildings 3 floors, one of the reasons I’m back to HK, House-warming gathering for the house, more details about it in a bit.
Living in the village is quite nice, very peaceful minus the dogs that walk around the village and barking in the night, but saw a really cute puppy hanging around the street with 3 other puppies, they were all mixed breed but still quite cute! (-^.^-) ok went a bit off the topic. 

The air is much much cleaner here plenty of trees and grass around compared to Central as there so much pollution from the buses, cars and lorries. 

In Wo Hang it belongs to the Li Clan, and they usually speak Hakka (another Chinese dialect I really don't know much of) There are only about 50 houses left in the village most are still old houses that are broken/ deserted as they belong to someone & haven't really done anything with their plot of land yet

I'll post more when I get round to writing and getting my bum down the library. Another limitation for me in HK/ Wo Hang Village, I don't have internet :( I know my UK phone bill with be more than usual this month from popping on FB! >.<" 

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