Sunday 6 March 2011

For the Label?

Here I am on a bit of a hunt and browsing around online to find a new job. I've been working where I am for over a year now and I just want to have a change, experiencing more of what there is to offer, change of location and of course with better pay.

As I have been hunting around, majority of jobs posted with vacancies they don't really specify where the place is or who it's for. Then I decided to apply for a job for one of the brands within the Arcadia Group.

One of my good friends questioned me, "didn't you say you wouldn't apply to any of the Arcadia Group brands?" I did say I wouldn't want to as the Arcadia Group are known to be quite a difficult company to work for with their standards, but to be honest, it will be good to have under the CV; but then again it's not only to be able to work for a known company, it's all about the work experience that happens within the company.

Brands don't always mean you worked for a fantastic place. McQueen's company is known to overwork their interns, and they won't necessarily gain as much experience compared to a smaller company that is more hands on. When I was interning, I had even turned Vivienne Westwood down, because they wanted an intern to work for the accessories department. It was tempting, but it wasn't the area I was interested in.

Overall, Brands don't necessarily mean it's going to be the most fantastic, but I suppose it just depends in the situation like in most jobs and companies, what you will gain and learn from them.

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