Sunday 5 December 2010

Very British of Britons

Well it's now December, Winter has definitely arrived to Capital and earlier than usual

It's interesting how Britons take pleasure in discussing the weather and they like to complain about it. True that it's a good ice breaker in the small talk department, and it is true that UK's weather is unpredictable; when it's sunny people love it or think it's just too hot, rainy too much water everyone gets soaked UK's know to have a lot of rain anyway especially up North- as one of my best friends winges about it to me pretty often

Now Britain has snow! The kids love it, adults are a bit of both but will still complain. The snow is a bit blown out of proportion, as discussing with friends over lunch today; London is very unprepared for these turns in weather conditions. Even in a city like New York, every year they get a fair bit of snow and they are able to handle it, public transport still runs even though at a slower pace but still running. Unlike the joys of the tube - Suspended, severe delays, opportunities in me claiming tube refunds by being late (though only managed to claim once)

Understandable for people these sudden weather conditions take affect to the everyday needs - shit happens

One of my friends even brought 6x bags of rock salt for the pavements of his home & shop, our friend even suggested using kitty litter as a substitute! That's just coaxing cats to come do their business around there! hahaha!

I think I've gone off track..... The weather's effecting me!

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