Saturday 27 November 2010

A bit of Dim Sum Cookery

So I saw this event that was happening at this Ming Ai Institute based up in North London's Bounds Green; 1hour mission for me from the other end of London.... But I was quite surprised that it's quite a place. Not only they have classes of computing, languages and arts, perfect for those willing to learn. There was even quite a big kitchen for cookery classes, which is what I decided to attend!!

So we were being taught how to make 3 appetiser/dumping things, Sui Mai, Dumplings and Spring Rolls (originally was going to be tofu rolls but they ran out of tofu skin -.-")

I was actually not surprised in knowing quite a few of the people who attended the event, I knew 3other people excluding my friends I already knew who were coming! The organiser knew me from a past Chinese event.... I didn't remember, as it was in a bar, dark loud music & happy hour = me getting a bit merry.

Over to the cooking, i was quite surprised there was quite a big turn out; the organiser said I got lucky being the last one selected for the event (yay me!) also admired my passion for cooking ^.^

1st up was the sui mai made out of prawns and chicken, which was interesting as usually it's with pork; I think we were even the loudest table as we kept joking about whilst attempting to chop the meats, Alan blamed the blunt knife & wanted the pro chef's cleaver! (health and safety!) When Kuan was mixing the filling together was quite funny as he used both hands in a small bowl. Looked like he was more like massaging the filling! We ended up making some pretty big sui mai dumplings, tasted pretty good but lacked shitake mushrooms for that extra something!

Next up was dumpling.... I already know how to make this.... but one thing was good was seeing the head Chef show how to roll out the individual skins which I felt was a very handy tip, saving keeping the centre a bit thicker so the filling doesn't split, I even taught someone how to wrap the dumpling a bit neater (yay pro me! ^.^ )

Last was Spring rolls quite easy, I always felt it was difficult to wrap it, but its because I usually do Vietnamese summer rolls and over load the filling (-.-")

Overall I enjoyed this class had good company & good food; though I already knew how to make 2/3 of the dishes - next I want to know how to make Chinese desserts!!!!

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