Sunday 10 October 2010

The Inconvenience London Has for me

I know what you guys may think from my title, but what I find is inconvenient in London is the lack of Wilkos down North!

I know it may sound funny to you guys; since Uni, Wilkos has been a staple convenient store for me to shop at for all home essentials! Come on Even Bristol had quite a few stores around!

Check out this Map! they only seem to ben up around North & East London :(

As I was around East London with my friends after a Japanese class; they needed to pop over to Stratford's Wilkinsons to buy some bits. I thought why not tag along I may find bits I need; and guess what I did! house had a broken fold up basket we use for laundry, broke :( but happy! They had them in Stock sold individually & were only £2.25 each! ^.^

I will have to say I'm surprised Tooting doesn't have a Wilkinsons, plenty of pound stores, used to have a Woolworths but no Wilkinsons

I'm a bit sound & "Mo Liw"

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