Thursday 14 October 2010

Bikram Yoga

I decided to try this form of activity out. Why not, 20mins into Canary Wharf from work and there was the offer of £20 for 14days compared to £15 a lesson

So many forms of Yoga there are these days and I decided to try this form. Bikram is where you do Yoga positions in a heated room, bit like a sauna, helps to prevent injuring yourself in the hotter conditions, reduces stress and tension and of course helps the blood circulation.

My friend Lou and I popped in early to sign in and get ready; got our spot at the back we though, ok doesn't seem too busy, yet. As we were warming up and stretching; Lou and I watched in awe as one of the women was warming up she was streching everywhere, very flexi! Lou also told me the session was 90min.... I thought WHAT?! I thought's it was going to last 60min.... never in a yoga session.When the class started there was without a doubt over 30 people in the room >.<,

In the Class we did 20 poses 40min of it the teahcer said it was warm ups! In the last section of the class I was getting pretty worn out and getting fed up of repeating some of the positions, the heat really gets to you and the smell in the room... not the nicest especially when there's so many people in there! I think i was pretty much done after 75min of the class.

As the lesson finished people were warming down, I did a tiny bit and thought F**k it I'm hitting the shower! I was drenched in sweat!

Overall it is a good experience glad I tried it out; definitely doing it a bit more with my promotion going, just need to remeber to drink more water and own one of them Lycra sports tops, cotton vest is still good but wouldn't want this size of a garment drenched on me!

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