Thursday 19 August 2010

Cinema Trends

So Summer is slowly fading.... sadness, we are still out and about, well thouse who have Summer holiday >.<" Lunchtime blogging the only time I can actually blog!

I have noticed this Summer's trend is the Big Screen that is the Cinema. Don't get what I mean, let me Explain:-

The cinema has been such an enjoyable day out, back in the days of the late 1800s people dressed up for the occasion. Bring on the 21st Century, film makers are making that cinema experience more enjoyable with the technology of 3D

Not only cinema experience, but even other novelties of going to the cinema

The beginning of the Summer there was the Urban Starlite Drive Through Cinema Novelty weekend which happened over in East London's Truman Brewery, Large cinema projections dipslayed all around, in parks pubs etc. Somerset House has been one I wanted to go experience, alas I forgot. There are just so many things to do in London you either, have not got the time to fit it or the funding situation! Not to mention the Secret Cinema, where they have the event somewhere spontaneous from a rooftop of a buildin to a farm if you fancy regestering and giving it a bash!

This time with the Cinema theme, the Beginning of September for a few week, over in East London's Deptford has a project going through 3 weekends of a Silent Cinema. All kinds of classic films displayed, everyone wearing headphones should be pretty interesting.

If you guys are interested the experience will set you back £10 a ticket, check out the listings ^.^

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