Thursday 5 August 2010

Interesting things happening this morning...

Ok I was going to Blog reating to Pure the Tradeshow, but I'm gonna leave that for this evening; and this one slips up higher. Something to get off my chest...

As one is living and working in London, people tend to rush around, I for example left the house a bit late today as I wanted to throw some bits into my lunch box for work before leaving, and needed to grab my travel vouchers.

Just my luck, there's a bus just arrived so I hopped on for the Underground station. As I popped off the bus, the old lady next to me said "lazy Bitch". I ignored her at first thinking, I must have misheard, then walking towards the station she said aloud, "what a lazy bitch"

OK I was gonna bother backing myself up and talk back at her, but as I was in a hurry for the tube, I decided to let it go. Who wouldn't hop on the bus even though it's 1 stop to the station??
My Thoughts - Monthly travel card £116 Pm, use it to my advantage. 30sec-1min bus ride vs 7min walk as you guys could see which option I opted for

My opinion, it's the sake of convenience!

1 comment:

  1. good for you! i would have taken the bus as well if i had paid for it - it's more efficient.

    It's like, why walk for the sake of walking when the bus is already going to be using up X amount of petrol, instead of producing more CO2 from energy use, just make sure the bus is efficiently using its own.

    that's my logical 2 cents anyway.
