Tuesday 31 August 2010

Gig Up in Shoreditch House

ooh I admit being a bit slack in the Blogging for this post, Bank holiday back in the Shires, attempting to regain the Devon Twang completely winds you down, as the pace down hear is slower compared to the big smoke.

So on the Thursday Just gone, my work mate invited me to a spontaneous gig up in Shoreditch House, members only place can be full of celebrities and socialites. Membership annually costing £1000 pretty exclusive!

So anyway were popped down and ventured onto the 4th floor, "Biscuit Tin" room  where the gig was held. It was quite a nice environment very cosy Lounge like intimate place.

First band as we got there seemed not bad, front man/ Lead guitarist was wearing a pair of Leopard Leggings with tail; pretty interesting and different. Next band that came on, no idea who they were but oh my god, they were making some very ear bleed worthy music screechy electro noise, sounding like an out of this world electro collective, being tone deaf and having a session in a garage thinking it's beautiful music. Was happy they got off.

Next band came along called "Full English"quite interesting rap band mix N Dubz-like, now looking and reading about them, definitely have quite a Goldie Looking chain feel to they with the style of music; being catchy and has humour. This bad were pretty entertaining and easy to listen to especially in contrast to the previous band.

After Full English there was a woman all dressed in a red latex suit, pretty hot but not my choice of fabric. She seemed not bad but the music quality was very meh.

Here's a preview Below of what Full English were like, apologies, I don't know how to rotate the video!

Between this my friends & I wanted to hang out on the roof top bar where there was the roof top swimming pool; alas Bouncer said no.... Members only. Oh Well

Finally last but not least the band who we came to support, Johnny Lazer. Two piece band front man with a huge mohawk and Drummer, playing fun optimistic beats in the genre of electro rock,  very feel good music slowly brought the crowd back into the room

Shame I wish I could've stayed longer but had to leave after 3 tracks, last train home called and Night bussing from East to the South West is a mission!

Overall a good spontaneous gig that was free, and I tried out some pretty yummy organic honey ale! ^.^

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Styles that may convert me to Leggings

As Some of you may know, I'm an anti leggings person, checked out on McQueen's online shop @ the sale left over, have to say some of the prints are pretty hot. But price tag is still a bit steep. (need to save monies towards Alexa bag)

The Staple garment for the Wardrobe

Ok So during the weekend I stayed around my friend's place over in East London, good old sleepover; we played Game of Life, Classic Board game quicker version of Monopoly and sang our hearts our with the 21st Century game of Sing Star, I'm proud to say the top scores for Lady Gaga's tunes are still doned by me ^.^ hehehe

The next day with as the girls were getting ready as they had a reservation for Marco Piere White's restaurant over in Battersea, Wendy's Brother was also getting ready and deciding what to wear. I thought I could be of assitance as I can stylize. My God, Danny doesn't have a lot in the wardrobe.

As we were deciding together, I suggested he'll need a shirt as the restaurant is high end, so best to dress smart casual; he only owns a smart black shirt from Ted Baker, not bad I have to say but nothing else? I asked him "what tee you thinking of wearing?" He didn't have a lot, majority of his T-shirts were placement prints with a cartoonish design.... I couldn't see any nice plain simple tees. So we sugessted together, the Yellow tee, goes well with the black shirt, adding brightness to something dark and the print can be hidden by buttoning up hiding the print.

Finally we hit the jeans. I asked him what jeans he was going to wear? Danny replied, "ones I'm wearing now." Mid blue slightly fading washed straight leg jeans. "Haven't you got any dark wash jeans?" I suggested, no was the reply. I had a bit of a heart attack.....

Surely like most women, we own that staple garment that's kept in the wardrobe, the LBD (Little Black Dress), Surely for a man, either a classic white shirt, but surely they must own a dark wash pair of jeans!! "WENDY! You need to take your brother shopping!!" Danny only shops during the sales but rarely shops for clothes and a broke student. If only I worked doing menswear as well and Denim, I would definitely donate a pair of dark wash jeans to him.

My days, no offence to you guys, I know some guys can be absolute lousy shoppers, but even the Average Joe (No pun intended for Nudie Jeans styled Denim) should have dark wash denim jeans doesn't even need to be black, stapled in the wardrobe, hand plant to the face....

Thursday 19 August 2010

Cinema Trends

So Summer is slowly fading.... sadness, we are still out and about, well thouse who have Summer holiday >.<" Lunchtime blogging the only time I can actually blog!

I have noticed this Summer's trend is the Big Screen that is the Cinema. Don't get what I mean, let me Explain:-

The cinema has been such an enjoyable day out, back in the days of the late 1800s people dressed up for the occasion. Bring on the 21st Century, film makers are making that cinema experience more enjoyable with the technology of 3D

Not only cinema experience, but even other novelties of going to the cinema

The beginning of the Summer there was the Urban Starlite Drive Through Cinema Novelty weekend which happened over in East London's Truman Brewery, Large cinema projections dipslayed all around, in parks pubs etc. Somerset House has been one I wanted to go experience, alas I forgot. There are just so many things to do in London you either, have not got the time to fit it or the funding situation! Not to mention the Secret Cinema, where they have the event somewhere spontaneous from a rooftop of a buildin to a farm

http://www.secretcinema.org/ if you fancy regestering and giving it a bash!

This time with the Cinema theme, the Beginning of September for a few week, over in East London's Deptford has a project going through 3 weekends of a Silent Cinema. All kinds of classic films displayed, everyone wearing headphones should be pretty interesting.

If you guys are interested the experience will set you back £10 a ticket, check out the listings ^.^


Sunday 15 August 2010

Something Noticed

One of my chilling out evenings and browsing on youtube, very inspired by the K pop music videos as I admit, these Koreans are shit hot dancers; however there is a major trend which is eww and WTF a they seem to do it at least once in a music video. This thing is touching their lips!!

Seriously they seem to do it A LOT! I was actually Mow liw enough to clock on and snap the evidence:-

Exhibit 1, Super Junior "Sorry Sorry"

I have funny memories of this song as friends rein-act the dance moves, I snapped on this touch lips things that goes on:-

 There's possibly more, but I didn't catch on to it...

Exhibit 2, U Kiss "Bingeul Bingeul"

I've never really heard of this K pop boy band, but like any other, pretty boys who are pretty shit hot at dancing. I clocked in this video, they did the touching their lips movement twice, this song is up tempo and dance moves were really quick and busy!

Exhibit 3, Shinee's MV "Ring Ding Dong"

They're amazing dancers thanks to Roger, it's his assigned ringtone on my phone, they touch their lips quite a ridiculous amount in this MV!!!

I'm sure there are plenty more MV's where these boybands do this movement. After clocking on and realising they do this, I now can't help keeping the eagle eye of seeing it, my experience in seeing these videos has kind of been ruined!!! Sadness but hahaha!!

Thursday 12 August 2010

My Bag Lust..... Mulberry!!!

This Season's definite bag Lust named after that Brit young It Girl, Alexa Chung.

Mulberry have named a bag after her!! I have unfortunately taken an absolute lust for this bag since seeing it shown in Stylist Magazine few months ago, I want one!!!

It's the must have satchel people want and I find it very practical with it's compartments and design
The options:-

- Fork out the £600-£700 odd British pounds on the real deal, I will be sooooo pooor will be on air diet for a long time!

- Wait until Mulberry's Sample sale where it'll be 20-30% off RRP...... whenever Mulberry launch their sample sale news, though not necess will be there as
 a) Hardcore sample sale shoppers get there 1st and snap them up (PK =.=")

b) I won't like the style

 c) I still can't justify with the Sale price and for the cost still live off air diet  (>.<')

- investing in the fakey! for £200 Bob, people won't know only yourself! baring in mind the stamp of "Made in China"

- got at crazy length to find "cabbage sample" where the bags are perfectly genuine but have either minor or major defect so are either taken to the clearance stores or taken to samples sales

- last but not least hitting the High Street alternative!

I have to admit there have been some pretty awesome versions High Street have done and for under £100! can't complain

Options on your Left of High Street Alternatives

Top Blue - from ASOS, Oasis' Satchel Bag £38 %100 Pleather (PU)

Middle Grey Next, Grey Satchel £30 available in Tan and Black. I have to admit this one's design is great, where it fails, the feel of the pleather, feels cheap *sigh*

Last Black Topshop, Buckle Strap satchel, £85 100% leather also available in Burgundy, from the sounds of it's dimensions it's not very big, not worth it though can only judge when i've seen the item

Now it's just deciding....... real deal or the alternative options......

New Miscellaneous Trend?

Recently my work colleague has been doing research for S/S 11 Knitwear, she can up with an idea of a shave effect for knitwear, so tried to find images to relate. We discovered Shaved cats!!!

Oh my days it's funny! Some actually look alright some are soooo humorous, do their owners do it on purpose ant it's the latest fashion trend in Pet Kingdom?  check it out!!!

Please note on google, do note type down just "shaved" or "shaved pussy" too much dodgy innuendoes as my colleague discovered!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Interesting things happening this morning...

Ok I was going to Blog reating to Pure the Tradeshow, but I'm gonna leave that for this evening; and this one slips up higher. Something to get off my chest...

As one is living and working in London, people tend to rush around, I for example left the house a bit late today as I wanted to throw some bits into my lunch box for work before leaving, and needed to grab my travel vouchers.

Just my luck, there's a bus just arrived so I hopped on for the Underground station. As I popped off the bus, the old lady next to me said "lazy Bitch". I ignored her at first thinking, I must have misheard, then walking towards the station she said aloud, "what a lazy bitch"

OK I was gonna bother backing myself up and talk back at her, but as I was in a hurry for the tube, I decided to let it go. Who wouldn't hop on the bus even though it's 1 stop to the station??
My Thoughts - Monthly travel card £116 Pm, use it to my advantage. 30sec-1min bus ride vs 7min walk as you guys could see which option I opted for

My opinion, it's the sake of convenience!

Monday 2 August 2010

Food Porn!!!!

If some of you don't know, I love food; cooking and eating out, and it's fun to critiquie! Masterchef's fun to watch and that food Alchmist who's on Channel 4 when I get round to watching TV!

I was just browsing around for interesting Asian recepies and discovered this website food looks sooo goood!!! I really want to make some!

Since on poor man's diet last week and this week, I'm making chinese Dumplings, cheap ingriedents, freezable and can last ages pending how much get consumed!!
