Tuesday 18 May 2010

My New Addiction

Hmm feels like I've actually not blogged for quite a while now.... My bad, been a busy girl, not on the partying front actually! I've been busy getting fit, dancing, swimming and now jogging; need to slim down and tone up & build up my stamina for 10K run Work's roped me into in July >.<"

Any who, yeah I Have discovered a bit of a new addiction that isn't shopping...... it's Elephants!!!

As some of you people will know, London has quite a lot of Elephants hanging around London until July before they're auctioned, funding towards raising awareness to saving the Elephants as they're an endangered species

It's amazing how many are around and they're just randomly placed, and I swear they're moving around! and the designs are so unique and funky! Designs of elephants ranging from fine art Artists to fashion designers!

It's fun and a good excuse to explore London, Elephant hunting!!! ^.^

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