Tuesday 25 May 2010

And so the Week of Busy Begins

I think this week is going to be like fashion week for me, lots of activities I'm doin!

Starting with Holy Fuck. They're a Canadian Band I checked out in Heaven last night. They play music that's electronic, very experimental and rock. Band I think have a similar sound, chemical Brothers kind of sound ^.^

The DJ before the band was pretty good, forgot his name, though he wore a tribal mask, very techno bass club type music, good tunes though felt it was still early to rave as it was only 8.30pm!

When Holy Fuck came on and played their tunes, it was good ^.^ crowd was quite chilled out dancing away, compared to a mosh pit at a rock gig where everyone crams to the front.

I find it so amazing that this band makes such good music that doesn't involve a computer to create such interesting electronic sounds consiting of drums, guitars, toy keyboards and other weird but wonderful tools!

Very happy I went to this gig, definitely nice to check out other genres of music that go on, good old Gig Buddy ^.^

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