Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Year upon us and the trouble with the Zebra Crossing

Indeed a weird way to start off writing for 2012, but I need this off my chest and has pissed me right off:-

Last night as I was getting home off the bus and needing to use the Zebra crossing to cross the road; 2 cars zoomed across without stopping until the third did stop! How rude! I bet they didn't get their licence in the UK. This has happened to me quite a few times now in London and has really ticked me off.

In Britain you're suppose to STOP and let pedestrians was across the Zebra Crossing, not just zoom without stopping!! :@ Even my driving instructor hammered it into my head when I was learning to drive that you must STOP at the Zebra Crossing, in the test if you don't you fail!

This is Britain people where's the courtesy?! The Crossing isn't place at a stupid place either!! But I suppose this is London, everyone's in a rush to get to some place, compared to Devon, the pace of life is indeed slower and people are a bit more courteous on the roads, unless they are boy racers racing around with the music turned up down the country lanes.

Sure when I was in China there are zebra crossings but the drivers don't care and won't stop, as they're a guideline spot for pedestrians to cross. Maybe they should just have traffic light crossings instead to make it easier.

There's my little bit of ranting for 2012, I'll move on. Unless next time I'll just cross the Zebra Crossing willy nilly if the driver hit's me, they're at fault & get their assed sued!! 

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