Tuesday 17 January 2012

New Year back to reality and Fitness

January is always that month where people do their detoxing, kicking back into the fitness regime...
2012 is definitely going to be a busy year for London with the Queen's Jubilee (extra bank holiday!) and Olympics in the summer, so I suppose many want to keep fit and healthy.

I couldn't believe how busy the Hot Yoga sessions have been at the moment, the sessions have only had about 20 people in the usual Sunday class I would go to, but the session I went to Sunday just; it was RAMMED!!

Zumba on the other hand was sort of busy, but then again it is still cold >.<"

Personally I prefer these forms of fitness compared to the gym. But January tends to be the perfect time to try out deals for Cheap since many social deal websites have them on offer. Just need to see what's new and interesting to tickle my fancy at trying... Power Plates - Done, Yoga - Done, Boot Camp - not sure about the sound of it... Zumba - Still doing after a Year of doing!! ^.^ Glad I've managed to keep to something especially it being so cheap £6 a lesson or 10 lessons for £45 Bargain!

Rambling now. Resolution for 2012, Keep fit and healthy and hopefully party less & drink less! 

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