Monday 7 November 2011

Billingsgate Fish Market

November time, waking up at 3.30am with some friends to leave the house just past 4am, still dark outside As British Summer time has ended. Why are we up and out the house so early? A trip to Billingsgate Market of course!!
I've heard my friends mention about this place is great to buy fresh seafood cheap; businesses get their stock from here and it's been a place I've wanted to visit since being in London, as I'm quite the foodie and enjoy seafood, however getting there has always been the challenge as well as getting up so early in the morning, though people have suggested me heading there after clubbing... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!(O_o) 
Fortunately I managed to tag along with friends to the Market as they needed to venture to buy for a Hot Pot session. 

So from SW to E as Billingsgate is based in the Docklands, with an extra pair of hands to Carry the seafood -^.^-

I couldn't believe when we arrived to the Market before 5am there were already quite a lot of cars and buyers. A lot of seafood - fish, lobster, crabs, squid and molluscs. 
Interestingly quite a lot of stalls were selling oysters, must be in season ^.^ we ended up buying a large box of about 25 oysters for £15, not too bad, trouble was shucking them! 
There was so many different prawns of shapes and size, mussels for £5 for 2kg amazing!!

Def need a car to get there, might bus will just be LONG! Was great to check this place out. I couldn't believe as we were leaving the place, the car park was so full!
A great place for seafood lovers -^.^-

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