Sunday 20 November 2011

Kotki Dwa's Late Lunch

It is nice going to quirky intimate gigs with a twist, which is what I got up to during the week.

A uni mate and I decided to catch up and go to a gig in Old Street at The Arts & Music Project, where the event was called Late Lunch - Kotki Dwa's Album launch. 

Not only there was good music being played, in the grungy venue, but there was also experimental food for everyone to try. I missed one course where there was bread with spread that glowed under UV Light, but didn't miss the sausage worms in the cumber decorated basket or the light liquid lunch, consisting of watery tomato soup with nutmeg & something else

I kind of forgot Kotki Dwa was my friend's band, electro happy music, very him ^.^ always optimistic and puts a smile on your face

Good music & good fun food always brings the like minded people together. In this case, it brought quite a few of my uni mates together, was really lovely catching up with them & reminded me of the times of Uni & where we had the movement that was the "Yellow Revolution", where all art specialisms got together and collaborated on projects.

Hence the style of the Band's music videos being very animated, as they were made by a few uni friends who specialised in graphic, animation/ illustration

It was a really fun evening where there was even a raffle where the winner won a bottle of bacon flavoured vodka.... I would be intrigued to taste what that would have been like. I think I remember on Jonathan Ross' show he had a bottle. However it did take 4 goes of the raffle to finally find a winner, haha! 

Good Times ^.^

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