Tuesday 8 November 2011

Distant Worlds Final Fantasy

Well instead of the traditional trip pit somewhere to watch the fireworks in Bonfire Night, I decided to head down to Albert Hall to watch a concert. 

I nearly forgot I had these tickets as I brought them so long ago, thinking it will be something pretty interesting to watch.

So Distant Worlds finally came to London to perform at a perfect venue to. Consisting of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the London Voices performing music from the Final Fantasy games. 
It was just very beautiful as the first song played with the harp, was quite emotional. They also had screens either side showing clips of the games; it was interesting to see how much the game has evolved since 1987.

I was happy we had pretty decent seats in the upper circle for £25, netter than £10-15 for the gallery where it's standing! 

The crowd were definitely a mix of a few kiddies to adults, there were some serious fanatics at the show, you could tell their look - computer geek chic to people making effort dressing up as their favourite characters, bit of an Anime convention with music!

It was great to see the Japanese composer Nobuo Uematsu attending this concert in his Japanese head scarf, tabi socks & sandals, was so cute!Then at the encore, he joined the choir to sing Sephora
I will say my favourite games were VIII, XI and X because of the story lines, but the music I loved is mainly from X ^.^
The visuals of the game were interesting with the scenes of live game play, mini story clips and of the drawn illustrations of the character on watercolour, was simply beautiful. It made me remember when I was a kid I used to love drawing characters; makes me want to het back into drawing! 
I was happy they played this song, was so beautiful and emotional ^.^

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