Monday 31 October 2011

Madrid food porn

As promised, I finally upload the food porn from the trip to Madrid ^.^

I will admit it's so strange having dinner over there about 9pm onwards, really wasn't use to it!

Traditional Spanish dish of Oxtail in a tomato based sauce, was very nice and tender

forgotten the name of this pastry, Spanish enjoy sweet treats for breakfast, must be an influence from the French

Top left, Seafood paella (was a bit salty >.<) Top Right, Spaghetti, bottom, tuna salad with white asparagus, Asparagus wasn't so nice, think it was canned 

Smoked or dry cured ham

amazing yoghurt with many healthy toppings!! ^.^ 

This place was such a good find by my friends and I as we were walking up and away from the Cathedral up towards Plaza de Mayor. It was a food mecca, many stalls selling different tapas, fruit, sweets and seafood was amazing!


Mini burgers, were very nice but a bit too herby for our taste

Some reason in for breakfast, they really like their egg, ham, cheese sandwich with the bread cut out to see the egg, very quirky!

They say Churros is a traditional Spanish breakfast, but I find it's too deep fried for my liking 

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