Saturday 9 July 2011

21st Century Dating

Ok so over a month ago, I had a friend ask me out. To be honest I laughed in his face and didn't take him seriously, as he's the character who's such a joker, looks like someone who looks like a gangster, tall, well built, shaved head- throw things off he's a teacher!

That night with friends he just kept going on asking me out and throwing the funniest chat up lines to me. The one that was most hilarious was
"You are the last stick in my match box who can light my fire"
It made us all laugh.

Right so last weekend I finally agreed to go on a first date with him, however the twist was I'm the one paying dinner for this first date with my "Ai Ya Boyfriend". Fair few of my friends were saying "isn't it the guy who'd usually pay, or even go Dutch?"

But then again it's the 21st Century and modern times we are in. Women are independent and can earn more than the other half. So I suppose it's ok, as long as the favour is returned and he brought the drinks or next dinner, he pays. It's good to keep balance as he sussed out from me and can be opinionated when I want to be.

He ended up being more Fashionably late compared to me; well he is the type to be late to occasions.

I decided to take him to Wahaca in Soho, a nice place for sharing different types of Mexican food and good chilled environment with the bar downstairs and not too expensive.

We ended up chatting about alsorts ended up widening his vocabulary with words with terms get doesn't usually that I would. suppose rats what happened when a very Street North Londoner and a Devon girl get together!! haha! (^。^) It was quite a sociable get together  as opposed to a proper date. Was funny when he was kind of using me as a shield, since he weekend was Gay Pride and the restaurant on he same road as The Village.

But this "Ai ya boyfriend" won't last long for me, he doesn't want a relationship and wants to work in HK, I can't see me being a couple with him; he's pretty crap a contacting me! But I think we just enjoyed each other's company in a sense of companionship.

I reckon I prefer traditional etiquette is better on a date, guy pays or at least go Dutch!

Haha! *Ding* next please!

As I was searching for an image to go with this post, I found this which is pretty funny!!

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