Wednesday 6 April 2011

Hong Kong Food Porn Part 1!

I can't believe it's been a week since I've returned from the Far East, I'm still trying to adjust to the reality, even though I'm back to work no problem and had no jet lag back to UK.

As you know I'm quite a Foodie, here's an insight of the amazing food I tried out in HK

Roast Duck a la Fancy presentation 

Chicken and Won Ton Soup, could really taste the Chicken!

Beef in sauce, can't remember what sauce they put in, but the meat was very tender & great wrapped with the lettuce and cucumber   

Rice cake with sweetcorn, very light, must know how to make!

Pineapple Fried rice in the Thai Restaurant

Star shaped fish tofu with noodles & a new found favourite fish skin dumplings (魚皮餃)

 A Friend and I went to Tai Po Market for some street food, in this typical Chinese market, there's a food hall with many stalls/mini kitchens selling different types of food, from noodles, rice, roast meats quick and cheap! ^.^
HK Classic Fish-ball noodles and Ho Fun $12

HK Street food tried for first time fried sausage and Scotch egg-like, Thousand Year Egg (皮 蛋)with breaded minced prawn on the outside

One of my favourite drinks friends recommended me trying, Green Tea Latte ^.^

豆腐腦 Great Chinese Classic and a bargain in Sha Tou Kok, with a bottle of 500ml of Soya milk $10 bargain! Was so fresh and silky to eat

Popped into Charlie Brown Cafe in TST and tried the Mango sponge cake, was a bit sickly

(杨枝甘露 ) Classic Pomelo Sago one of my favourite desserts

Cream Puffs!!!!!! <3 <3

Typical HK Breakfast, cheap and cheerful, Congee (粥)& fried donuts (油炸鬼)

Jellyfish and thinly sliced pork, with a light sweet chilli sauce dip so goood! 

Part one down, there's a fair bit of food I tried & photographed!

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