Friday 5 November 2010

Measuring things

Whoops, busy me has been pretty busy as per usual doing something...... Really should invest in a smartphone however finding the one I like is more of the challenge

So, I've been driven absolute bonkers this month by one of the customers in Canada we've taken at work, they work in inches only..... this is the 21st Century now, surely people have moved on from Imperial measurments!!

I will admit I do use inches and cm for things but all things like the measurments I do for garments, it's pretty ridiculous! check the example I had to deal with:-

One big ass headache for me, especially when I had to get it converted to cms for the Graded spec >.<" (graded spec is a technical term for creating patterns in the full size range i.e size 8-14)

The biggest throw offs for this were some crazy inch measurments like 34 13/16.... I'm like what the hell?!

To be honest measuring in cm for garments are way more accurate! Only time I do inches are for things like inner legs of trousers, body measurements and height of heels

When I struggled measuring the production samples and looking at their spec.... to many numbers, as we had measurments of both inches and cm. I'm just hoping the customers aren't going to reject our production samples

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