Wednesday 9 June 2010

Singles and Mingles

Ok I Know I'm working a bit backwards here, I wrote the Ape Adventure first before this post here! hahaha! Oh well, which ever's easier to Post I say!

Some of you Know that I enjoy doing random things, Singles and Mingles, I attended with my mate Khuong as My Wing Man! Haha but we both wanted to do the same thing; just mingling!

I actually was made to do a task in this event Khuong, Wendy and Jade set me before hand whilst we ate a dinner before the event; and he was willing to pay for my drinks all night if I did it!
Task for the night:-
chat to some guys and throw the compliement of "have you been working out?" Khuong added "you mind me copping a feel?!"
As usual on myself I dig a bigger hole in myself by saying "copping a feel of his breasticle!" I wasn't drunk yet! we all cracked up and I'm sure a few other diners were looking our way when we said breasticles quite a bit!
I only managed half the task. I did ask the working out question to someone I did feel his breasticles (manboobs OK not down below if you guys are dirty minded!) I failed in not asking to cop a feel of the breasticles >.<
I think I've typed that word quite a bit now...
Surprisingly there was quite a big turn out to the event! more men than Women I could see, I did mingle around chattin away, no real hotty hotties, but was forced to swap numbers with a guy thanks to a mingler/organiser as we chatted for over 5mins his mate was pretty good looking, looked a bit Korean as well
Singles and Mingles for those Singletons out there, do it! It's a fun experience don't have to expect anything, there's less pressure compared to speed dating and you can just run away! Guys are a bit more forward, everyone's more Friendly as they're all in the same boat

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