Sunday 11 March 2012

Cream Puffs in London!!!

Whenever I went to London fabric shopping during uni days, I always loved going to a place called Beard Papa on Oxford Street for their delicious cream puffs in many flavour -^.^- But now I'm so sad as it closed 2-3years ago :'(

As I was making my way down to Embankment to cross the bridge to do a spot of Egg Hunting on Southbank, I noticed a cream puff shop!!

This shop is called Chewy Junior, there are quite a few flavours of their cream puffs and they do mini ones too!! ^.^ 

Though the Puff itself isn't as light compared to Beard Papa's, the flavours are quite inventive and the Puff is indeed a bit chewy in a good way, Hence the name Chewy Junior

Definitely recommend getting minis so you get to sample the many flavours in bite size pieces (^.^ )

Cream Puff!! ^.^

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